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Protect the Integrity of Your Institution

Our out of the box and client specific solutions let your investigators focus on working the investigation and not typing administrative updates and formatting word documents.

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Integrity and Standards

Your Reputation Matters

Protect your institution’s reputation with efficient and effective investigations into integrity matters.

Gated decision points and customised workflows ensure your investigators are complying with your rules, while automation takes the administrative hassle out of their work – ensuring they can focus on investigations.

Polonious collects all the information as the case progresses to ensure everything you need is in the one place to enable easier management and reporting transparency.

Academic Misconduct

Manage Academic Misconduct

Our configurable workflows result in transparent, rule-driven investigations while reducing time spent on committee and decision making paperwork.

Polonious collects all the information as a case progresses, allowing you to meet reporting and compliance burdens, as well as demonstrating a proactive approach to integrity in an era of increased media scrutiny.

  • Adaptable workflows ensure compliance with rules.
  • Automated form letters and communications save admin time.
  • Online decision forms save time and ensure accurate record keeping
Research Integrity

Protect Your Research

Polonious can help your institution identify and manage research integrity issues quickly and efficiently.

Ensure transparency and probity in your investigations, so you can maintain the highest standards of integrity. Polonious is fully audit logged, while maintaining ISO27001 security so you can ensure privacy and confidentiality at the same time.

  • Flexible workflows ensure procedural fairness
  • Detailed security ensures privacy and confidentiality
  • Full audit trail ensures transparency

Reduce Academic Dishonesty with Polonious

At Polonious Systems, we understand the importance of upholding academic integrity within educational institutions. That is why we provide software solutions to maintain integrity and identify cases of academic misconduct.

Automatic Reporting & Monitoring

Automatically report and monitor complaints and breaches. Polonious API integrates with leading education tools and misconduct detection software to create and manage cases in Polonious.

Streamlined Case Management

Streamline cases from beginning to end. Polonious provides workflow processes that allow for the effective management of caseloads.


With comprehensive analytics, Polonious provides academic institutions opportunities to strengthen policies and methods of teaching, learning, and training.


By automating repetitive administrative tasks, your academic investigations team can spend more time on each misconduct case’s complex elements.

Detect Trends and Hotspots Early

Analyze the relationships and behavioral trends between individuals and organizations and identify misconduct trends as they arise.


Polonious’ multi-layer security systems ensure that case details and identities of those involved will remain confidential.




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Why do I need an investigation management system?

An investigation management system allows you to efficiently refer and manage suspicious claims to your investigations team.

Why can't I use alternatives like CRMs or Detection Tools for investigations?

Although CRM has useful information on customers and potential clients, it is ultimately person-focused, and is thus inappropriate as an investigation tool. Detection tools are great at finding fraud, but not great at proving it. You need specialised investigation management for investigations.

Where does it fit in?

Ideally, an investigation management system should sit in an anti-fraud program, with API integrations and referrals as detection systems.

How can it help me?

Our system will improve productivity through automation, help avoid administration costs, ensure complete regulatory compliance, and allow case management mobility with the Polonious mobile app.

Other Use Cases

Polonious provides flexible and powerful workflows to suit any industry and team.

Use Case

Banking and Finance

Our out of the box and client specific solutions allow investigators to streamline their investigative processes by automating many administrative tasks.

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Use Case

Workplace & HR

Our out of the box and client specific solutions range from investigation and employee workflows all the way to governance, risk, & compliance workflows.

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Use Case

Private Investigations

Our software is currently helping countless private investigation teams develop more streamlined automated investigations processes.

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