Steve Hebble Manager Asia Pacific said “Polonious World 2017 was a great success for Polonious and Visual Analysis. The Visual Analysis stand generated a lot of interest from the 100 delegates.”

When asked if Polonious World had been worthwhile Verifact Managing Direct Jarrod Bowditch responded “without a shadow of a doubt, what’s more, we are continually endorsing Polonious through our own marketing…and demonstrations…every time we pitch a customer we demonstrate our Verifact Investigation Management System (VIMS) which is run by Polonious. We are the largest Privately Owned Australian company Investigation Company have over the last 10 years have over 85,0000 cases managed nationally by VIMS. We would not be able to operate without our cloud-based on-line Investigation Management System. “

Paul York, SureFact Director said “From a sponsor’s perspective, Polonious World 2017 was a great success. Networking with over 100 delegates in the same room for the whole day gave the SureFact team a wonderful opportunity to increase brand awareness and generate commercial opportunities.”
– Paul York at Polonious World 2017