Effortless Reporting
Save time with simple pick-list report builders and one click PDF reports.

Simple Report Builders
Polonious’ simple pick-list report builder lets you create and run spreadsheet reports using a simple checkbox data selector. Perfect for those last minute report requests.
One Click PDF Reports
For more complex, regular reporting like monthly board reports, Polonious offers one click BI style reporting which can be fully automated.

SQL Builder
Our entity mapping tool also lets you copy the SQL query it creates, so you can share this with your internal reporting experts.
Instant Preview
Our checklist report builder lets you preview the first 10 lines, so you can make sure the report is right before you run it.
Case Summary Reports
Custom case summary reports are available with one click, and include person details, case history, photo sheets - whatever you need.
Security is the foundation of everything we do. Users can’t see summary data about cases they can’t access.
Let's Get Started
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